Who we are
Malmed Healthcare Services Limited (MHCS) is a special purpose vehicle (SPV) created for the purpose of operating a network of medical and dental clinics in Malawi. MHCS is currently running three clinics: Blantyre Clinic situated on St. David’s Street, behind Chibisa House and opposite TNM car park; Ginnery Corner Clinic on Johnstone Road, ex BLM clinic opposite to PG Glass; Zomba Clinic situated at the Anjuman Himayatul Islam (AHI) building/premises, behind Petroda Filling Station and Malmed Malindi Community Clinic. We also run a laboratory service in Lilongwe, opposite Malawi Housing Corporation in Area 4.
The promoters of MHCS are Professor
Ndalama George Liomba, Dr. Charles Patrick Dzamalala and Mr. Mahesh Kotecha.
Mission Statement
To provide the best possible affordable and integrated medical care services.
Our Vision
To be the leading provider of quality primary health care services across Malawi
Our Core Values
- Professionalism
- Confidentiality
- Integrity
- Accessibility
- Quality
- Corporate Social Responsibility
Board Directors
Our Trusted Board Members
Mr. Mahesh Kotecha
Medical Director
Prof Liomba
Medical Director
Dr Charles Dzamalala
Medical Director